How to publish apps on Google Play

Table of Contents

Here’s what we are going to cover today:

How to publish apps on Google Play[ps2id id='How to publish apps on Google Play' target=''/]

In this tutorial we show you how to publish your application on Google Play. Starting by generating and uploading the APK file to the completion of the Google Play page information.

Add Graphic Images to the App’s Editor

After completing the payment of the Easy Easy Apps plan, you will have access to the option of App Configuration in the Design Tab in the App’s Editor. In the Mobile App Maker Design Tab select App Configuration optionIn the App Configuration area you can upload the app icon. The icon will be presented in the user’s mobile phone after installing your app. The icon must be 1024 by 1024 pixels in PNG format. In App Configuration area you can upload your app iconNext you can upload your Splash Screen. That’s the image that is presented to users when they open your app. You must upload two images in PNG format, one with dimensions of 640 by 960 pixels, and the other with dimensions of 640 by 1136 pixels. With these two images, you ensure that your splash screen will look good on all phones. In App Configuration you can also upload your splash screen images

Generate the App’s APK File[ps2id id='Generate the App’s APK File' target=''/]

We now have everything set up for you to create your app's APK file. Navigate to the Publish tab and choose Google Play. On the Google Play screen, you may configure:
  1. Google Play credentials that have already been established for you
  2. Push notifications credentials In another article, we teach you how to set the push notifications credentials.
  3. Google Play app identification that is already set up for you
If you want assistance in altering your Google Play credentials or App identification, please contact our Customer Support team through Live Chat or by sending an email to On the Google Play tab you can you have google play credentials and app identifier already configured and the push notificationsFor an app without push notifications, just press the Publish button to start generating your app’s APK file. This can take several minutes. You will be notified by email when your file is ready. Click in the publish button to start generate the APK file

Download the App’s APK File[ps2id id='Download the App’s APK File' target=''/]

Once the APK file is ready, it will become available for download in the My Applicationssection. You know the file is ready when the download APK button changes from grey to green. Click the Download APK button, and download the file to your computer. Once the apk file is ready you can download it from the my apps tab

Upload the App’s APK File to Google Play[ps2id id='Upload the App’s APK File to Google Play' target=''/]

In your browser, go to the address , click Developer Console and log in with your Android Developer account credentials. To upload your apk file to google play go to your developer consoleClick the Add New Application button to begin adding your app to Google Play. Click on the add new application button to begin adding your app to google playSelect the language and the name of your app. Press the Upload APK button. In the add new application menu, press the Upload APK fileThen click the Upload your first APK to Production button to upload your apk file to Google Play. Click in upload your first APK to ProductionDrag the APK file from your computer to the window or click the Browse Files button and choose the APK file on your computer. Wait while the file is loaded. Drag or browse the APK file on your computer

App details on Google Play[ps2id id='App details on Google Play' target=''/]

After the APK file is successfully uploaded click in store listing, in order to fill in all the information that will be visible on your app’s Google Play page. Choose store listing to fill in the app´s informationIn the store Listing section of Google Play, start by writing a short description of the app stating it’s main purpose. Then in the full description field you must describe your app in detail and show all the features and benefits to the users. Make a short and a full description of your appIn the Graphic Assets area you must add at least two screenshots of your app and they must be at least 320 pixels wide and be in a PNG or JPEG format. Click on Add screenshot and choose the files from your computer. Add at least two app screenshotsYou must also add your high resolution app icon. It must be 512 by 512 pixels and it must be in 32-bit PNG format. This icon will be visible on the Google Play app’s page and in search results. Add your app iconNext, click in Add feature graphic to upload a Feature Graphic image, which will be visible at the top of the Google Play app’s page. This image must be 1024 by 500 pixels, and may be in JPEG or 24-bit PNG format. Add your app feature graphic imageIf you have a Youtube video that promotes your app, you may insert the link in Promo Video. Insert the link to a youtube video that promotes your appIn the Categorization area, you have the following options:
  • Application type – you must choose the Application option
  • Category – you should choose the most appropriate category for your app
  • Content rating – you must indicate whether your app’s content can be viewed by people of all ages or if the app has, for example, restricted adult content.
Choose the options for application type, Category and Content ratingIn the Contact details section you must insert your email, you can also include your website’s address (if you have one) and telephone. Your email address will be visible on your app’s page. Insert your website’s page, email and telephoneIn the Privacy Policy field you can add a URL containing the privacy policy of your app. If you do not have one, click the checkbox indicating that you are not submitting a privacy policy URL at this time. Add an url with your app privacy policy or indicate that you won’tNow that the first phase was completed, just push the Save Draft button to save this information. After you fill all the fields, save the draft

Content Rating to Google Play

In the Content Rating tab, you will answer a questionnaire on the content of your app. To start, press the Continue button. You will answer a questionnaire about the content of your app, start by pressing continueIn the Email Address field, enter your email and then choose the category that most closely matches your app. Enter your email and select the category that matches your appAnswer the questionnaire that Google makes available for each category and push the Save questionnaire button. Answer the questionnaire and then save itanswer the questionnaire and then save itThen push the Calculate Rating button. Google Play will assign a rating to the content of your app. Push the calculate rating button, Google Play will assign a rating to your appIf you agree with the content rating assigned by Google Play, push the Apply Rating button and then the Save Draft button on the top of the page. Apply the rating and save the draft on the top of the page

App’s Pricing and Distribution

Now let’s turn to the Pricing and distribution section. You should indicate whether your app will be free or paid. For now, we are going to choose the option free and you can learn how to publish a paid app in another tutorial. In the pricing and Distribution section you can choose if your app will be free or paidNext, in the Distribute in these countries section, you select the countries where your app will be available. Select the countries where your app will be availableOn the Consent section confirm that your app meets the Android Content Guidelines. Also, if you chose to make your app available in the United States, you should confirm that you accept the United States export laws. On the consent section confirm that your app meets the content guidelines and accept the US exports laws

Publish the App on Google Play[ps2id id='Publish the App on Google Play' target=''/]

We now have everything set up for you to create your app's APK file. Navigate to the Publish tab and choose Google Play. On the Google Play screen, you may configure:
  1. Google Play credentials that have already been established for you
  2. Push notifications credentials In another article, we teach you how to set the push notifications credentials.
  3. Google Play app identification that is already set up for you
If you want assistance in altering your Google Play credentials or App identification, please contact our Customer Support team through Live Chat or by sending an email to If all the sections have a green check mark you can publish the app


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