In addition to the coronavirus pandemic, Red Hat has changed its qualification guidelines.

Red Hat is expanding certifications that are about to expire, as well as launching a revamped online credential assessment platform for the highest four certifications.
Having a degree is one of the easiest opportunities to get a career in the software industry. Well, I believe you would do your job better than anybody with a certification, but try saying that to a new company's human resources department. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has made it more difficult than ever to take the exams needed to obtain or maintain a credential. Red Hat, the Linux and cloud kingpin, has a solution.
To begin, if you already have a Red Hat credential that was set to expire between March 17, 2020, and December 31, 2020, it has been extended until January 1, 2021.

Then, with its four most successful certifications, Red Hat is introducing remote qualification tests. There are the following:
Exam for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) (EX200V8K)
This exam assesses the awareness of device management topics that are popular in a variety of environments and implementation scenarios. This exam covers all Red Hat items and tests the foundational skills for device management.
Exam for Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) (EX294V8K)
This exam assesses your expertise and skills in using Red Hat Ansible Engine to manage multiple systems and Ansible to perform basic system administration activities across multiple systems. Since Ansible is the automation platform utilised for a variety of Red Hat products, Red Hat Certified Engineers have an advantage when it comes to automating items other than Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Exam for Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration (Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Administration) (EX280V42K)
Containers and Kubernetes are quickly becoming the de facto implementation paradigms in today's enterprise IT environments. This exam assesses your experience, abilities, and willingness to use the Red Hat OpenShift Container Framework to build, customise, and maintain a cloud application platform.
Exam for Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development (Red Hat Certified Specialist in OpenShift Application Development) (EX288V42K)
The ability to deploy current software in a Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform setting is tested in this exam.
These would count against Red Hat's highest qualification, the Red Hat Certified Architect, much like regular passed tests.
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You'll need a Fedora-compatible X86 and X64 device to take the test. An external webcam with a one-meter cable is also needed. You'll need the cable and you'll have to show the exam proctor your workspace.
You'll be operating a customised edition of Fedora, Red Hat's group Linux, on this system. This Linux distribution is designed to help you pass the Red Hat test. This operating system can even perform a stability check to ensure you have what you need to take the exam. It runs completely in RAM and has no effect on the rest of the machine.
The tests may be taken on your computer or in the cloud. A remote proctor can keep an eye on you as you take the exam. Red Hat's credential officer, Randy Russell, explained:

Test takers are restricted on what they can do and do during the live exam setting, with no internet searches, reviewing cheat sheets, or talking with more experienced peers. If cheating on an exam is easy, claims made against those who pass are undermined. When Red Hat certifies anyone, it means they have the expertise and experience to utilise one or more Red Hat technologies in real-world IT environments. We want to preserve the value of our brand by doing everything possible to ensure that those who pass our exams did so equally, based on their own abilities and experience.
These experiments are available right now. You may switch between remote and training centre distribution whether you've already bought or participated in an exam with your Red Hat Learning Subscription — Standard Edition. If you choose to take one of these exams on your own time, you can choose the Individual Exam alternative.

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