How can you switch off the voices in the new Pokémon Snap game?

ON THIS PAGE: How can you switch off the voices in the new Pokémon Snap game?
- You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job.
- To permanently mute Phil, Rita, Professor Mirror, and friends, go to Settings > Sound > Language for Character Voices > No voices.
- Go to Settings > Game > Nav-Com, where you can choose from Often (the normal rate of bothersome messages), Sometimes (an occasional nudge), and Rarely (sweet silence).
You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job.[ps2id id='You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job. You did a fantastic job.' target=''/]

New Pokémon Snap is a delightful journey into the natural world of Pokémon that is a must-have for any Nintendo Switch owner who enjoys catching them all. New Pokémon Snap has its flaws, including the fact that it provides near-endless entertainment while allowing you to play as an aspiring Pokémon photographer. Speaking sections for characters like Phil and Rita are among them.
Phil, the game's jealous rival photographer, and the unnecessarily chipper Rita are not my favorites. And, as much as I enjoy Professor Mirror's rambling professor qualities, hearing him say "Nice job!" and "A new find!" a dozen times in a row begins to grate — particularly after 30-plus hours of gameplay.
For a little peace and calm, you can turn off the voices entirely in New Pokémon Snap. (Using Japanese-language voices is also an alternative, but I found it less relaxing than absolute silence.)
To permanently mute Phil, Rita, Professor Mirror, and friends, go to Settings > Sound > Language for Character Voices > No voices.[ps2id id='To permanently mute Phil, Rita, Professor Mirror, and friends, go to Settings > Sound > Language for Character Voices > No voices.' target=''/]

You can also change the amount of pop-up messages from people back at camp if you'd like to hear from Phil and the gang less often on your trips around the Lental Area. That means less remarks from Phil on how he'll have a great shot of Pinsir next time and how you shouldn't have shot Scorbunny (but no reminders from Prof. Mirror if you're about to run out of memory).
Go to Settings > Game > Nav-Com, where you can choose from Often (the normal rate of bothersome messages), Sometimes (an occasional nudge), and Rarely (sweet silence).[ps2id id='Go to Settings > Game > Nav-Com, where you can choose from Often (the normal rate of bothersome messages), Sometimes (an occasional nudge), and Rarely (sweet silence).' target=''/]

The new Pokemon Snap has fully spoken cutscenes as well as several lines of voiced conversation during gameplay.
As Nintendo Life highlighted in its New Pokemon Snap preview, completely voice-acted cutscenes are provided to characters as early as the first tutorial, something that the bulk of Pokemon games do not feature, with two exceptions being 2016's Pokken Tournament and 2000's Pokemon Puzzle League.
According to a Nintendo release, New Pokemon Snap has voice acting in cutscenes as well as minimal voice acting outside of cutscenes. This implies that even when given with text answers from characters, players may still speak a brief phrase or word when the conversation is displayed.
For those who desire a more genuine experience, players may change the voices of the characters to English or Japanese. Not only that, but those who want to play New Pokemon Snap with no voice acting at all have the option to do so. If you're still on the fence, Nintendo has confirmed that players will be able to choose between these speech choices at any time throughout the game.
Fans who can't get enough of New Pokemon Snap won't have to wait long, as the game is scheduled to arrive on April 30, 2021. If you're worried about how much room this bad boy will take up on your Nintendo Switch, Nintendo has just disclosed the New Pokemon Snap file size, which is fortunately a lot less than previous Pokemon Switch releases Pokemon Sword and Shield.
You may also reduce the amount of pop-up messages from people back at camp if you'd want to hear from Phil and the group less often throughout your journeys around the Lental Region. That means less remarks from Phil about how he'll get a better picture of Pinsir the next time and how you shouldn't have gotten that Scorbunny shot (but also no cautions from Prof. Mirror if you're about to run out of memory). Go to Settings > Game > Nav-Com and choose Often (the usual pace of annoying messages), Sometimes (an infrequent nudge), and Rarely (sweet silence).
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